Friday, 25 October 2013

OUGD502 - PPP2 Task 1

John asked us to answer these questions for our first PPP2 task.

1. Reflecting on your Summer what is your most memorable event and why?! !
For the whole of Summer I did a web design/development placement and had a job. The web placement was really useful, as although it was mainly self taught and I found it very challenging, it is a skill I want to further and become capable in. It has definitely influenced the kind of designer I want to be and what I want to focus on. I think that web is a really good thing to be interested in because there seems to be a lot of jobs and is advancing a lot. I never thought I was interested in it before this, but I now see how fun and intriguing it is. I think being able to code is a valuable skill as well, and I want to start learning about different web languages such as jQuery and PHP, as I only learnt about HTML5 and CSS.
I also worked over summer in the Pub I've worked in since I was 16, and it made me realise how glad I am to have a degree to go back to. I want to make sure I am a competent and skilled designer so I don't ever have to work there again, even in holidays - I would like to get into freelance work during these to earn money instead.
At the end of Summer just before I came back to uni I booked a last minute holiday to Barcelona with my best friend which I think was needed as I had worked so much over Summer. I loved everything about the city and I actually think it would be really great to work there as it has everything - city, beach, parks etc. 

2. Have you made any contacts over the Summer that you feel could be helpful over the coming year or so and what outcomes did you feel you achieved?! !
As I did the placement I have contacts there but I don't think I would go there again, due to it being quite small and learning most things myself. But when I mentioned I was doing a web design placement a few people said they did coding and would help me if I ever needed it which is good to know. I also live with four people who do a computing degree and do coding, so that is also useful because a couple of people have asked me to create a website for them and I can collaborate with my housemates to make this happen. I have been asked to do a photography portfolio website for a friend and one of my housemates has said he will help me code it and that was a good feeling because I know I can make doing what I enjoy happen imminently.

3. How did you meet/contact these contacts (methods used or how it happened)! !
My previous college tutor mentioned that I should email the owner of the web design agency as he usually takes on a couple of people for placements. I emailed him with some of my work and he told me to come in for a chat when I was back for Summer. Me and a friend who I went to college with did this and we both got taken on, and so it was good to do it with her. 

4. If you didn’t make any contacts, why? too busy working? holiday? commitments?! !
I didn't make many contacts, but I was so busy over Summer with work and the placement that I didn't feel the need to right then.

5. What methods of contacting creatives can you think of and what would you ask?
I would email or comment on their work on Behance etc, but I don't know what I'd ask right now. I don't really like sending emails and I worry about what I say too much so that is something to work on. Although for the Design for Print module I have messaged some creatives on Behance saying I like their work (monoprints) and asked them what techniques they've used and got a good response. 

Here are some questions I would like to ask:

  • How would I go about getting a placement abroad?
  • Have students done this previously in their second year?
  • Where should I start looking to get a web design placement?

OUGD502 - PPP2 Session 1

Today we had our first PPP session with John. He was very insightful about getting placements and how to go about getting them. 
Here are some notes that I made:

  • Ask for a studio visit rather than a placement when you first talk to a  studio. When they ask you if you have any questions, then raise the point that you want a placement.
  • Make friends, make mentors, get close to them all for networking
  • Networking is meeting people and staying in touch with them
  • Ask studios about 3/4 questions and make one of them 'is there anyone else I should be talking to?'
  • Things studios look for in a graduate: sense of humour, point of view, ability and someone who will fit in
  • Facebook for professionals is Linkedin
He contacted Mike Salisbury asking him about his 'legendary branding' slogan, and they started talking. Mike has come up with:
  • Michael Jackson's white glove
  • Levis 501
  • Apocalypse Now branding
  • Halo game branding
Look at:
  • Snask
  • Minimallyminimal

Bloomberg Corporate Headquarters

Tuesday, 15 October 2013

OUGD502 - 10 Things Revised

Last year we had to write 10 things that we wanted to learn while at LCA, and now we have to review this list a year later to see if we have achieved what we wanted or if our goals have changed.

Here is my list:

What I want to learn at LCA
  • How to use all of the traditional printing methods
  • How to set up as a freelance designer
  • I want to know all about type
  • To understand layout and grid systems thoroughly
  • How to communicate with clients
  • To be able to create some packaging
  • Be more confident with my work
  • Create an online portfolio
  • Be able to use the Adobe Software
  • How to be a good designer

How to use all of the traditional printing methods
In my first year I learnt how to screenprint, and I became quite competent with this as I screenprinted a whole book for my final PPP project. That is the method I was most interesting in learning as well. We also had a induction in monoprinting, letterpress and lino cuts. I already knew how to lino print, and monoprint or letterpress isn't something I did in my first year.
However, at the beginning of this year I have already done some monoprinting, and I also organised a print induction with  few other students. It was a workshop in photo etching, embossing, foil stamping, and every other process that was available to do at Vernon St. I also learnt about what I couldn't do and the limitations of the processes which was useful.

How to set up as a freelance designer
I haven't learnt how to set up a business yet, but that is something I realised in first year wasn't important. However, I have an online portfolio now and have come to a standard where I can do freelance work for people, and have had some experience in this now. Although I don't have my own brand and payment method etc, I have done paid work for people that I know, and that is enough for me right now.

I want to know all about type
The type anatomy sessions were useful, and I know a lot more about typography in that aspect now, but this point was about how I wanted to learn more about type designs that are seen on posters or logos. However, this isn't something I stayed interested in during my first years and I focused on other areas of design.

To understand layout and grid systems thoroughly
The sessions on grid and layout were incredibly useful and I feel I know a lot more about them now and this has helped me considerably within my practice as from these sessions I realised I was really interested in layout design. It has made it a lot easier for me when using InDesign and designing for editorial and web because I have gained a better understanding of this.

How to communicate with clients
As I have improved a lot within my design work and I am more confident with it, this has helped me interact with clients because I can suggest to them what would work best and support my ideas. I also did a placement over Summer and they had clients coming in every week for meetings and proposals and that was really valuable to see how businesses deal with clients they didn't know.

To be able to create some packaging
I really wanted to do packaging for all my briefs at the beginning of the 1st year, but I soon realised that I was interested in other areas and that I didn't actually enjoy packaging when I did it. I didn't enjoy the maths of it and found it hard to get a professional finish when making the packaging. Although I enjoy actually designing for it, I felt I lacked skill in making it. Maybe this is something I can do in the future as in the industry I would only be designing it and not making the product.

Be more confident with my work
I feel that because I know more about design principles, it helped me become a better designer because I understand the design decisions I'm making now. And because of this, I am more confident with my work and talking about it because I know that I consider everything that I do and can justify my work. Having weekly crits also helped with being confident because I got used to talking about my work to people I don't really know and accepting feedback to produce better work.

Create an online portfolio
I created a Behance, and have uploaded some of my work to it which I am happy about because it is a lot easier to show people. Now I just want to carry on uploading projects, and start to take professional looking photographs of my work as I think that showcase my work a lot better.

Be able to use Adobe Software
This is something I have improved a lot on in the past year, as I am a lot more competent with Illustrator, and can use Photoshop better than before I started the course. I was introduced to InDesign on the course and I love the programme now and have used it extensively in projects. I also began using Fireworks and Dreamweaver when I started at the web design placement which I am now using frequently and understand well.

How to be a good designer
This is an ongoing process, but having learnt the fundamental principles last year this has helped me considerably when making design decisions. Also by using software more and becoming more competent at it has increased by quality of work. I also think by being aware of my surroundings, other people's work and gaining feedback continuously this has helped me become a better designer. Also, as I have tried out a lot of different processes and areas of design, I am becoming more aware of the kind of designer I want to be which is important. I have become very interested in web design, and I think that it is a strong point of mine because I enjoy it, I have produced designs very quickly for websites and I think I have a good idea what makes a good and bad design.

I'm now going to write a new list of 10 things I want to learn this year:
  1. I want to become more competent in web development
  2. I want to learn how to design and develop for responsive websites
  3. I want to become better at drawing, as I think this will help me at the ideas and concepts stage as well as increase the standard of my work
  4. I would like to learn how to take professional images of my work
  5. I want to have another placement this year, particular somewhere that does branding and web design to experience an industry environment
  6. I would like to use other programmes for web development such as Sublime or Aptana rather than Dreamweaver
  7. I would like to gain a better understanding of the Fibbonachi sequence as I found that quite difficult to relate to my own work last year
  8. I want to be able to create intelligent concepts in all of my work
  9. I want my work to have a more professional finish
  10. I want to find a way of being able to create an embossed finish with ink, like the letterpress effect in industry, as that is not possible to do at college

Tuesday, 1 October 2013

OUGD504 - Reflecting On Success of First Year

We discussed as a team of 8 the 10 things which in the past year have been successes.

10 Successful Things From Last Year

  1. Learnt how to work well in groups
  2. Learnt the process of screen printing
  3. Started to recognise our own style
  4. We thought the project 'A Brief History Of...' was very successful and everyone had a high standard of work
  5. Gained more confidence when it comes to speaking about our work
  6. Improved work ethic and enthusiasm throughout project
  7. Better at giving and receiving constructive criticism
  8. Started to apply theory to practice 
  9. Become more adapt with Adobe Software
  10. Able to produce ideas and resolutions quicker
10 Successful Achievements Agreed by the Class
  1. Gained new skills in practical workshops
  2. Improved presentation skills
  3. Better at giving and receiving constructive criticism
  4. Become more independent
  5. Improved research development skills
  6. Better at time management
  7. Work better within a group
  8. Gained more self confidence
  9. Improved theory/context knowledge
  10. Recognising own style within design
10 Things I Want To Succeed In This Year
  1. Continue to learn about web development (HTML, CSS, Javascript)
  2. Begin to learn about app development (Python, Ruby)
  3. Improve on drawing skills
  4. Become more comfortable with theory side - colour theory, essay writing
  5. Have some freelance work 
  6. Get another placement, preferably in branding and identity
  7. Experiment with Branding and Identity in multiple briefs
  8. Have a successful group project
  9. Continue to redesign websites for personal project
  10. Improve Behance by taking professional pictures of work, updating regularly and promoting my profile