I posted these to gain feedback of people to see what they're opinions were, as I couldn't decide between two designs, and how to improve them. As I wasn't too keen on the design that the people in my crit preferred, I decided to include another design that I liked for further feedback.
I asked Abi what she thought of these two designs:
I like the first one. I would say that one compared to other one. But I think if you simple the second one down a bit like getting rid of the boxes and stuff that would be better. I agree with the feedback you got from the crit.
I edited it according the feeback from the crit and she Abi then said:
I think if you move it up it may look more in proprtion.
She then said: What about getting rid of the poles? They're a bit overpowering.
I changed it again so that the blue and green bar weren't as high, but I still wasn't happy with it, so I decided to look at the other design.
I also asked Sarah what she thought, and she said that she loves the eye design, and the reasoning behind it.
I asked what Sarah thought of these two designs, and she said that she prefers the pattern on the yellow/grey eye, but prefers the three shades of blue in the first design because it is easier to see that it is waves.
So I tried the same design with the shades of blue.
As I liked the yellow in the design better, I tried more vibrant shades. I preferred the yellow in the design because I think it fits better with the song.
I then tried more subdued grey tones to see how that worked, but I think it looks too bland.
I then tried red tones as it is quite a powerful song, but I don't think it worked at all.