Sunday, 3 March 2013

OUGD402 - 10 Statements

I have to write five statements about what I believe in, my preferences and about me. 


I love cooking, finding new recipes, making my own and cooking in a group is one of my favourite things to do on a daily basis. I think working in restaurants has helped me because I know lots of different dishes, and the chefs help me out whenever I need them. I was used to eating all the time at work, and my grandma cooking homemade meals for me, so when I moved away from home I needed to learn all of these. My favourite meal to make is a roast dinner, with the chicken cooked in a slow cooker.

White Hart

This is where I work when I'm at home, it's the oldest pub in Grimsby and I love it, it's one of my favourite place to be. I love all the people there, it's really good fun, and it's good to have a drink with everyone after a shift. I prefer working when the customers aren't there though, like in the mornings when we do coffee rounds, or after we've closed and we make use of the bar, or when we prepare for a wedding and have to layout all the tables and cover the chairs etc.

I've always been independent and not relied on anyone for anything. I had two jobs at home because I wanted them; always worked hard at college and school because I wanted to do well, and just work of my own back. I've always been allowed to do whatever I want at home and come and go as I please and I think that was a good thing because I can stand on my own two feet, and moving away was easy for me.

Film Cameras

I have 8 film cameras, and I love them. A wide angle Minolta and Canon are my favourites, and I take one everywhere with me. I love the fact that you can't see what photos you've taken, and it always takes me ages to go develop them so I love seeing them and forgetting that some of the photos that I took. I also love the actual process of developing photos, I find it very therapeutic, and have developed photos since I was 13. For a few years I wanted to do photography until my second year at college. 


I really enjoy reading novels and plays, and it's one of my favourite hobbies. I much prefer reading a book to watching a film. 

I have to write five statements stating what I want to be as a practitioner.

Website Design

Since learning about grids, and learning about coding from my flatmate (he studies computing), I have become really interested in learning about website design, and I can't wait to learn more about it. Hopefully if I get some spare time though I am going to start learning how to code, cause I think it is a really good skill to have.


What I love about branding and identity is that there are so many things to consider such as packaging, promotion, environmental, screen, print etc.. and one example by Mind Design is amazing. It was for Metropolitan Wharf, and they created a typeface (one for sandblasting and one for print), which was sandblasted onto pieces of driftwood to act as signage for the interior of the building. All of their work is amazing and I would love to have a placement there.


It is really important to me that when things are mass produced that the resolutions are as economical as possible. This includes fairtrade products and keeping waste to a minimum. Be Green is a packaging company which offer sustainable catering packaging.

Package Design Now

What I love about this book is that it says the designers reasoning behind the package designs so it helps me to understand the kinds of decisions that are involved when creating packaging.

Gender Neutral

This article on Dieline pretty much sums up what I feel about this subject. 

I don't believe that just females should be featured on products such as cooking, cleaning or other home-making products because it shows what society think women's roles should be, and restricts them to the home as it has done for centuries. It also puts males of buying such products because they think they are specifically for females - especially when it comes to children, as the author of this articles says: ' I'll admit it: when I was a kid I always wanted an Easy-Bake oven. But alas, I always felt ashamed to want a pink and purple toy with girls on the box.'

 I think that if children's packaging was gender neutral then it would help eliminate stereotypes from an early age. I'm not saying that packaging is what brings on gender stereotypes, just a contributing factor. 

Here are some gender neutral children's packaging which still work really well:

Hip Peas: This features both male and female illustrations on the packaging, and uses a neutral colour scheme. And it is a much more aesthetically pleasing design that Easy Bake!

Namaste Kid: I think this is perfect, it's a product aimed at both boys and girls, as they are both featured on the product, the colours work well together and in the rest of the range, the girls wear blue as well as the boys.

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