Monday, 10 February 2014

OUGD502 - Networking: DigitaLeeds

This was by far the most successful event to date, and I was so happy afterwards! Felt like I was actually getting somewhere, and my hard work is paying of.

Me and Sarah went, and at first we were really nervous and felt awkward as everyone was talking to each other and we didn't know anybody. However, we soon found Matt, who we met at Forefront and went to LCA. We got talking to him, and he introduced us to his workfriends. He also encouraged us to mingle. 

We then spotted someone else who went to LCA called Luke, and started speaking to him. He was giving us some really good advice, and made us feel really positive about graduating and getting a job. He then introduced us to the creative director of his company - twentysix digital!! This is a company I had stalked prior to going to any of these events and really wanted to talk to someone from there as I liked the look of their company. So I got talking to him and a senior designer and that was really interesting. I gave Luke my card and he said he'd look at my work, and also said that they are looking for placement people and to ask the creative director for one. But I felt a bit too nervous for this just yet. He then introduced me to another guy, who recruits digital people for digital agencies. He told me he worked for Orchard - this clicked in my head, as I remember these are who sponsored Hey!Stacs free bar, so I started talking about that, and we got on really well actually. I asked for his card. We got talking to a few more people, and then one of the guys who offered Matt a job last week came in and said he recognised me. I said I was at Forefront and that I remembered him and where he worked and got talking about that. I had done a little stalk of his companies website after last week, so I had a lot to say to him about that and his company. He gave us some really good advice, and said that he is more likely to hire someone who comes to these events cause it shows enthusiasm over someone who doesn't, and that he doesn't care about what degree you have as long as your portfolio is strong. He also said that it is more valuable to be a brilliant designer than a coder as these are harder to come by, and get paid more. I didn't expect this, but that is encouraging too.

Overall, I loved this event and I can't wait to go to more now!! This is held once every two months.

Then, the next morning I got an email from Luke saying that he thought my work was strong and could give me some feedback if I wanted, and also sent my Behance to the creative director!! This isn't something I wasn't expecting and was so happy. I replied saying I would be grateful for any feedback, it was great to meet him and the creative director and thanks for the advice.

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