Here is my presentation I presented this week on my progress on the year so far.
Reflecting on where I was in September, I feel like I have let myself down in some ways.
In terms of networking I have done great, but I always go to events and find myself doing that naturally as I am interested in the industry and meeting new people and seeing what they have to say. I have a placement and job lined up so thats fine, and I have done a lot of briefs so far.
But in terms of upcoming briefs, I feel like I am not doing as well as I know I can be doing and as well as I want to. I have discarded most of the briefs I have written at the beginning of the year, and I don't have any more lined up after I finish the two collabs I am currently working on.
I feel I need to really up my game and think of some briefs that I am really going to enjoy for the remainder of my time here.
Doing this presentation has made me realise further how much I am not enjoying the course right now, and I feel deflated. I think even the way I have designed my presentations shows how much of a hard time I am having with it as it is designed badly and not to the standard a 3rd years should be.
I am feeling very negative and unenthusiastic at this point. I'm not sure why, whether I have been working so hard the past two years and feel burned out now, or because I have no briefs to look forward to but I need to snap out of it and get back into the swing of things.
Looking at everyone else's presentations was good as it made me realise how much people have progressed and I know I need to step up my game. Everyone is doing great things, and while good to see, I feel like I am lagging behind everyone.
Saturday, 21 February 2015
OUGD602: Events - Mobile Monday Manchester
I'm going to an event in Manchester on Monday. I heard about it when I was talking to Apadmi at the Manchester Digital Talent Day, as they said that they would be there. It is another chance to talk to them and possibly meet more people who work there.
The event itself is called How Do We Deliver Great Experiences?
The event description is:
Join us for our first event of 2015 where we'll be discussing what factors to consider, now and in the future, to deliver a great mobile user experience (UX). Through a line up of excellent speakers, we'll be exploring the psychology behind mobile, the power of market research, the best prototyping software out there and the wonders of usability testing. Whether you're a brand, an agency, a freelancer or a keen mobile enthusiast you'll sure to pick up some helpful tips and tricks from some of the most forward thinking experts mobile has to offer.
Since I am interested in moving to Manchester at some point it will also be a good experience to go and see more of it. I have become a lot more interested in app design recently, and from my dissertation research it is clear to see mobile is the way forward, so this will be a very relevant and interesting event.
The event itself is called How Do We Deliver Great Experiences?
The event description is:
Join us for our first event of 2015 where we'll be discussing what factors to consider, now and in the future, to deliver a great mobile user experience (UX). Through a line up of excellent speakers, we'll be exploring the psychology behind mobile, the power of market research, the best prototyping software out there and the wonders of usability testing. Whether you're a brand, an agency, a freelancer or a keen mobile enthusiast you'll sure to pick up some helpful tips and tricks from some of the most forward thinking experts mobile has to offer.
Since I am interested in moving to Manchester at some point it will also be a good experience to go and see more of it. I have become a lot more interested in app design recently, and from my dissertation research it is clear to see mobile is the way forward, so this will be a very relevant and interesting event.
Friday, 13 February 2015
OUGD602: Agencies
There are three studios in Manchester that I love, and am really interested in the work that they do. I have been thinking about where I want to do a placement at this year, and there are three studios that stick out to me, all in Manchester. I have been looking at so many studios now, and I feel these are exactly the type of place I would love to experience.
Code ComputerLove
First up, Code ComputerLove. I've been following them and their work for a while now, and I just love what they do. They are a digital agency in Manchester, and have done work for Chester Zoo, Woodland Trust and Velvet. These are brands that I am interested in working for - animal welfare and the environment are two topics that I really care about. Combining this, the fact they do digital work, and the tone of voice they use throughout their online presence makes me think it would be a great place to go visit and have a placement at.
I also met them at Manchester Digital Talent Day this week and had a chat with them. They were so friendly, and seemed easy to get along with. One of the creatives gave me some feedback on my work which I really appreciated, so I really want to contact them asking to go and take a look around their studio as it seems right up my street.
The work they do here is incredible - they do such a range of different things and really push the boundaries with what they do. They have done work for Adidas and Umbro which is really inspiring, and I love the concept behind the work they create. They do digital work, but they also do a lot of environmental design and work with space which is something that I am really interested in doing. I have never been anywhere that does kind of thing, so I would love to go and experience what they do.
I met these at the Manchester Digital Talent Day, and was really impressed with the work that they do. They create mobile apps, and have done work for BBC iPlayer and The Guardian which are really well created. Since I love digital I think this would be a great opportunity to go to since I have been getting into app design a lot recently. The only thing that puts me off going here is that it is in Trafford - which I wouldn't know how to get to/isn't as easy as getting to Manchester city centre.
OUGD602: Working in Manchester
I have been thinking about where I want to be and what I want to do after uni, and I feel like I will eventually end up living/working in Manchester.
Although I have been adamant about staying in Leeds, there are a few studios in Manchester that I really like the look of, and think they are better than ones I have seen in Leeds. I have been to Manchester a couple of times in the past week, to a UX talk and to Manchester Digital, so I've been getting to see more what it is like. It does seem like a great city, with the amenities it has and so much to offer.
Even if I don't move to Manchester immediately, I can see myself working and living there at some point. Although I don't know anybody who lives there, I would meet people there and it is only 50 minutes on the train to Leeds so I could see my friends weekly.
I also thought about living in Leeds, and commuting to Manchester. This is because I have someone to live with here and I need to sort living arrangements with them promptly.
Due to this, I spoke to Eve Warren from last year as I know that she does this commute.
She gave me a lot of advice, and it does seem like hard work. It takes up 2hrs+ each day to get to and from work, and it is £280 a MONTH for a railcard. I didn't realise how expensive that it would be! However, that would still be cheaper living here with someone than living in Manchester on my own (if I found somewhere cheap here). So although hard work, if I found a place in Leeds and a job in Manchester down the line, I know that it is doable.
Although I have been adamant about staying in Leeds, there are a few studios in Manchester that I really like the look of, and think they are better than ones I have seen in Leeds. I have been to Manchester a couple of times in the past week, to a UX talk and to Manchester Digital, so I've been getting to see more what it is like. It does seem like a great city, with the amenities it has and so much to offer.
Even if I don't move to Manchester immediately, I can see myself working and living there at some point. Although I don't know anybody who lives there, I would meet people there and it is only 50 minutes on the train to Leeds so I could see my friends weekly.
I also thought about living in Leeds, and commuting to Manchester. This is because I have someone to live with here and I need to sort living arrangements with them promptly.
Due to this, I spoke to Eve Warren from last year as I know that she does this commute.
She gave me a lot of advice, and it does seem like hard work. It takes up 2hrs+ each day to get to and from work, and it is £280 a MONTH for a railcard. I didn't realise how expensive that it would be! However, that would still be cheaper living here with someone than living in Manchester on my own (if I found somewhere cheap here). So although hard work, if I found a place in Leeds and a job in Manchester down the line, I know that it is doable.
Wednesday, 11 February 2015
OUGD602: Events - Manchester Digital
Today I went to the Manchester Digital Talent Day.
I went to a seminar called Future Jobs in Digital, and here are my notes:
Q: What will employers be looking for in years to come?
Code ComputerLove
I spoke to Code ComputerLove, as that is the agency I was most interested in talking to. I got chatting to a junior creative there who was really nice and was interesting to talk to. I mentioned what I do, that I'd like to go for a placement there etc, and they took my details and card.
I also spoke to another company called Apadmi, who specialise in mobile technology and apps. Their products were actually quite impressive, with clients like The Guardian and BBC iPlayer, and I would really like to go for a placement there. The clients and work were exactly what I like, and they said that they would be looking to expand their design team.
I spoke to a few other tables and it was interesting to see what was actually available, such as grad schemes and apprenticeships. I got some things from the different stands

I went to a seminar called Future Jobs in Digital, and here are my notes:
Q: What will employers be looking for in years to come?
- Industry will be a lot harder than they are now
- They will be looking for people who can tie everything together
- People who can work together with people from different expertises/areas
- Adaptability is key - how can be at applied to all different areas
- Digital is coming in increasing areas, moving into other spaces
- Specialise in something, but ability to change/adapt is primary
- Transferable skills - most important skill needed is change
Q. What advice would you give to your 18yr old self?
- Work in an area you are passionate in as that's how you will be successful
- Keep an open mind
- Speak a 2nd language
- Travel more
- Don't be afraid about thinking of big ideas
- Be proactive and get it yourself
- You don't have time after uni - do work now!
- People are willing to support you at first being new as they have no expectations of you
- Always think what you can learn next
Code ComputerLove
I spoke to Code ComputerLove, as that is the agency I was most interested in talking to. I got chatting to a junior creative there who was really nice and was interesting to talk to. I mentioned what I do, that I'd like to go for a placement there etc, and they took my details and card.
They had created a publication that they were giving out, and I think this is great because it shows that although they excel at digital work, they also know how to design for print really well and shows how diverse their talents are. Although I love digital, it would be good to work on other things now and again so this would be a good place to go to.
I also spoke to another company called Apadmi, who specialise in mobile technology and apps. Their products were actually quite impressive, with clients like The Guardian and BBC iPlayer, and I would really like to go for a placement there. The clients and work were exactly what I like, and they said that they would be looking to expand their design team.
I spoke to a few other tables and it was interesting to see what was actually available, such as grad schemes and apprenticeships. I got some things from the different stands

Tuesday, 10 February 2015
OUGD602: Events - DotYork
I have signed up for a DotYork ticket which are free for students. I've never been to York before so it will be good to experience a new city as well as meet new people in the industry.
Tickets are usually £110, so this is a great opportunity to be able to go for free.
Here is some info about the ten speakers that will be there on the day
OUGD602: Events - Manchester Digital
Tomorrow I am going to Manchester Digital, as there is a talent day with a variety of companies and agencies there available to talk to.
Code ComputerLove
The reason I am interested is because one of my favourite agencies, Code ComputerLove, will be there and I would like to ask for a placement.
I love the digital work that they do and the clients they work for so hopefully this will be a good opportunity to get to know them better, and for them to meet me.
Here is their website, and some of my favourite work they have done is for Chester Zoo - which is part of the sector I am interested in working for, and work they have done for Velvet which had a focus on the environment - another area that I am interested in.
Other Agencies
I received an email from the event with a spreadsheet attached of all the companies attending, so I went through the list looking at websites of the names that stood out to me. I was looking out for design based companies.
Having looked through the websites, my favourite agency is still Code ComputerLove, so it will be good to speak to them tomorrow.
Code ComputerLove
The reason I am interested is because one of my favourite agencies, Code ComputerLove, will be there and I would like to ask for a placement.
I love the digital work that they do and the clients they work for so hopefully this will be a good opportunity to get to know them better, and for them to meet me.
Here is their website, and some of my favourite work they have done is for Chester Zoo - which is part of the sector I am interested in working for, and work they have done for Velvet which had a focus on the environment - another area that I am interested in.
Other Agencies
I received an email from the event with a spreadsheet attached of all the companies attending, so I went through the list looking at websites of the names that stood out to me. I was looking out for design based companies.
Having looked through the websites, my favourite agency is still Code ComputerLove, so it will be good to speak to them tomorrow.
I have also signed up to the talks that are going to be on throughout the day
Tuesday, 3 February 2015
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