Monday, 30 March 2015

OUGD602: Networking - MUSIC

I have been interested in the Manchester based agency Music for quite a while now, as their work is so creative. They are very ideas driven and create a range of things in different mediums, which is how I would like to work. I think they are special a they don't seem to follow the rules - even their website is just based around '10 things you should know about Music'. And they have a calendar which tells you facts about them, and their concepts sets them apart from other agencies. You can really tell they have a lot of enthusiasm for what they do, and it is inspiring to see.

Sarah Goldthorpe has been speaking to them, and they've arranged a portfolio review to be held at their agency for us to go and speak to them if we are interested. If you was interested, you needed to email them and let them know. I am very interested so dropped them a line.

They replied the same day which was really nice of them too

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