Saturday, 18 May 2013

OUGD402 - It's Up To You

As this is about creating an information pack about myself, I thought it would be useful to start looking at what other designers had done for self promotional work:

Stephen Jones

I really like how this is packaged, as it just covers the book, and isn't anything big or elaborate. It is very simple, but works well with the fastening.

Jordan PuoPolo

I love the brown stock used here, and the limited colour palette, I want to do something similar with my pack, as I want it to have an organic feel, as well as use black with another colour. 
I also want to have business cards, but I want them to be incorporated with the book somehow whether through aesthetics or form. Here the back and the front business card work well together side by side, which I think is really clever.

Jessica Wen

Although I don't really like the design of it, I think it is clever how she has used the packaging as the information pack, as this could be a good way of showing I like packaging design.

This book is also a creative resume, which I think is a good idea rather than having a piece of paper. It is a good way of showing layout and editorial.

I really like this screenprinted promo pack, and it is something I am going to consider in my own work because from what I have researched, it is more sustainable than digitally printing. I have also always been into handproducing design, and used to always do papercutting and linocutting, so it will be good to try a new technique. I think the colours also stand out well against the different coloured stock, which is something I want to experiment with. I also like how the business cards fit into the package without using any glue/cellotape/blutack. 

These cards just have a link to the designers website on them, and I think that's a good idea, straight to the point. I think if I was doing a website I could do something like this, maybe next year.

I like how the viewer has to interact with the piece, and fold out to read the information. I would like to do something where the viewer has to interact, like folding out a book, opening a package etc.

I love this idea, having to scratch out a card to reveal a message, and I think it would make for a really interesting business card. However, as I am thinking about screenprinting my whole book, I don't think I would have time to do something like this. I think it's another good way of having the audience interact with the product.

Scratch Card Tutorials
I found some tutorials on how to do it just incase I change my mind:


I love these self promotional coasters, as they reveal a lot about the designer's personality and the language used shows her as a friendly, confident person I think. In my own pack I think I want to focus a lot more on reflecting on this year rather than my audience being a potential employer, as the brief says to 'communicate or promote' and I think communicate is more appropriate for me as I have learnt a lot about myself this year, I have changed a lot in terms of the kind of designer I am right now and want to be, so I don't have a clear idea on what to 'promote' myself as yet.

I also love this self promo passport as the designer is international, so has modelled the format of the book on the fact she always has her passport on her, which I think is a really unique idea. I love how shes used the stamps as her skillset.

I like how these business cards have a lasercut element to them, as it makes them a little bit different from just a plain business card. As I love papercutting, and have learnt how to use the lasercutter this year I think I might combine the two in my book as it will add a different element to it, and reflect my love for the craft.

I love these business cards, and I think it looks good how the full stamp doesn't fit onto the full card as it gives it more of a hand produced effect. I would have liked to make a lino stamp out of my logo or business card design, but as I am really keen on doing screenprinting I don't think I should do two different printing methods. Also, it is hard to do small text on lino, so I could use the lasercutter to make one, but again I just want to stick to one printing method.

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