This was the last day of the workshop.
Session 1 - Wordpress and CMS
I did want to learn about how to implement/use a content management system as I knew it would make it easier to update work on my website when I have one. However, I didn't realise how hard it would be, I found this session the most difficult.
CMS - ability to add/edit/delete content
It is an admin, a log in, password protected, admin dashboard, whatever changes you make get put into a database, a template connects to the database,
It’s versatile
Examples of a CMS - Perch, wordpress, drupal, ghost, kirby, shopify
Open source, regular updates, documentation, good community, plugins, different permission levels/capabilities, straight-forward, can produce your own contact forms, $90 a yr $free
wp-include stores a lot of functions it uses
Install, rename wp-config-sample to wp-config in sublime, change DB-name to (wp-live), then change username and password to database, then go onto browser and type localhost:8888/wordpress (folder name), then follow log in process
Pages - can create a hierarchy of content using pages
Can change home page on Reading settings, front page displays option
Tags - can add tags to show relevant topics in blog
Then we installed Wordpress and the files they had prepared for us to practice with and play around with it. I found it so difficult, and just couldn't seem to get my head around it. I didn't think I would find it as hard as I did! But now I know what it can do, I do want to learn it and I have the basics to help me do that.
Session 2 - CLI, Dev Ops and Deployment
Rackspace are good for hosting, but expensive
Name servers tell domain where to point, buy name server/server from same place
Shared hosting isn’t good due to security
Mediatemple - us based
Try and get a hoster in the UK
Digitalocean - cloud server
ubuntu is open source
Call the server what your site is going to be
Way of connecting to a server, like ftp, but ftp is bad
ssh root@IP ADDRESS
Command Line Interface - a way for humans to interact with a computer
Use it because its fast and efficient, works directly to a server, sometimes its the only way and portable knowledge
gives you more options to do than on a GUI
Iterm2 - better terminal
Zsh is a shell
Basic Commands
pwd = print working directory
~ = shorthand for home directory
> pwd = command
/Users/aar = response
cd = change directory, moving from one folder to another
cd Sites/ = that is me changing directory to another folder I want to be in
if you run pwd again, it will show you that is the folder you’re in
ls = lists everything thats in my directory
ls -a = lists everything in folder, including hidden folders, hidden folders start with a .
ls -l = lists all folders in directory, but lists all details like permissions, dates, modifier etc
ls -la = this gives a list of all details and folders, you can combine arguments together
mkdir = make a new directory/folder
touch = create files
mv = moving files
Harder Commands
find assets -type f -name “*.jpg"
find assets finding something in assets folder -type defining what I’m finding f files -name looking for files with a name “*.jpg” for any jpeg files
rysnc = is a way of moving folders, synchronises one folder to another
mysql = logging into database
mysql -h = log into local host
mysql -u = username
mysql -p =password
mysql -h localhost -u myname -pMypassw0rd
mysqldump -h localhost -u myname -pMypassw0rd dbname.sql
if you type in ‘man then-cmd’ it gives you everything you need to know about the command, for e.g. 'man ssh’
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