Sunday, 26 April 2015

OUGD602: 10 Days Experience

10 Days Experience

Although I haven't had a placement during term, I had two for the entire of the Summer before and I have a placement lined up for starting in the middle of June so I feel happy with the experience that I will be doing. I am very excited for the upcoming placement as it isn't a digital agency - something I have always gone for. So it will be a good opportunity to try something different.

I have made up my 10 days by going to a variety of events throughout the year - this is something I have done since 2nd year and I really enjoy networking. It has created several opportunities for me. The events I have been to are Dot York, Manchester Digital Talent Day, a UX Talk by Manchester Digital, Hey!, Forefront, DigitaLeeds and Leeds Print Festival.

I went on one studio visit to Music, and spent the day there doing a portfolio surgery and looking around it. It was an incredible space, their work was amazing. It was such an inspiring and creative place, and somewhere I would love to work in the future.

I also attended a 3 days workshop called Work in the Web at a Harrogate based studio called Mixd. I met the people who set this up through Hey!, and it was a great opportunity to have a more intense learning experience about coding. Topics such as SASS, Wordpress and Responsive Web Design were covered and it was such a great way to learn more about web development.

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