Epiphany Search
Home Page
This is the top of the home page, and features animated images like the bird, clouds and paper aeroplanes. It's also orange so shows immediately it is a fun company. It also shows you what they do - seo, ppc, web development, social and convention.
This is the footer, and shows where their offices are: London, Leeds and Sydney. I've noticed a lot of digital agencies in Leeds have an office in London and an abroad city like Sydney, New York or Singapore.
Office Tour
You can do a google street view tour of their office, showing you inside and where they work. It's shows a really fun and laidback environment, with astro turf, an orange postbox and a ping pong table. We have said we want our company to be quite fun as well, so this is a good place to look at.
Case Studies
They have two case studies on their website, going through a project they have worked on.
Here are some of the clients they have worked on, so quite a range of different projects. I think this shows us we don't have to define a particular market as we can have lots of different clients.

What They Do
This part of the website goes through what they actually do, which is a lot!! I think it just shows that when you have a business you don't just 'design', there's actually a lot of different work that is covered.
They also have a blog on their website, where lots of different employees write blog posts on related topics. I think this could be good for us to do, because we said we wanted personality to shine through in the company, and this would be a good way to display it.
About Us
This is what they have written on the about us page, which is short and sweet and gets the message across that they are a big company and what they do.
They also have photos of each staff member, and the squares turn around to reveal their name and occupation within the company which is a really cool feature.
It also shows how they are a great place to work, and these are links you can go onto.
Twentysix Digital
This is another big digital agency in Leeds, and the reason why I have chosen to look at it is because they have a wide range of clients which could give us all some ideas of who we want to market, and they also have a timeline of their business. This timeline shows how it began, and how it has grown, which is really useful to us because we don't know how much we should grow in 1, 3 and 5 years.
This is the timeline, and it shows pivotal moments in their company, which really shows how they value it and the things that happen within it. I think this is really useful for us, cause it shows a realistic vision of how it can grow, and the things that happen, for example moving offices, expanding offices, how many employees come over time etc.
The first step is where they opened their office and how many people they started with (10).
One of their fun moments is that every payday the office gets pizza - something they still do to this day, 8yrs later.
Two months later, they gained five more employees.
They also get to drink beer on Fridays!
This highlights they won a competition a year after they opened, which was international.
By the next month it had five more employees.
Twentysix Search is born two months later.
Moved to new (big!) office space a year later.
Two months after that there was 10 more employees.
Five months after that there was another 10 more employees.
Adopted episerver platform 3 months later.
Another fun thing the company have done - Go Karting championship!!
A tweeting project was announced.
This shows how they value their employees by mentioning some personal news of an employee - makes it seem like a close knit family even though it is a big company.
Another tweeting project is launched.
10 more employees!
An office in NEW YORK is opened, four years after their first office in Leeds.
Another fun team activity!
More employee benefits:
Now there are 90 employees in the agency, after opening for 6 yrs.
Award nominations.
Launch an office in NY!
Raise money for charity.
Their mission statement.
What services they offer.
They have offices here:
These are some of their clients. It's a huge range, from kids shows, hair and beauty, computer industry and charities. They are all commercial clients.
I looked at a small digital agency in Leeds that opened in 2010.
Here is their home page.
Here are clients they have worked for, so include
Household Appliances
Local Company
This shows a timeline of their business. At first they started in bedrooms and two separate businesses.
They got their first office a year after they started up.
They got 15 employees after two years from five, so quite small compared to 26digital.
Their plans for the future are to grow!
This is another digital agency in Leeds, whose clients include travel, children, chewing gum, sports and cinema.
This is another well established digital agency in Leeds, and they also have a wide range of clients.
- Local businesses
- Travel and tourism
- Gambling
- Insurance
- Restaurants
- Radio
- Cars
- Websites
- Supermarkets
- Phone companies
- Media
- Food
- Technology
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